Sunday, February 28, 2016

Flame Test Lab

Around a week ago in chemistry class, we started off this new unit by doing a lab where we burned different solutions and determined the wavelengths of those solutions, based off of what color the flame was. Here is the website that I used to accomplish this: Wavelengths

This lab was very simple to carry out, considering all we had to do was burn each of the solutions, which were pre-prepared for us. However, this lab was definitely one of the more interesting ones that we have done. I had no idea that flames could turn hot pink or bright green! We also looked at some of the flames through cobalt glass, which made it even easier to differentiate between the colors of all of them. Overall, this lab was very interesting and also helpful, because the conclusion made us practice calculating energy, given wavelength, which was actually on our quiz that we just took the other day. Here is a website that I found to explain how to do this calculation: Finding Energy

Here is what the flame looked like when we tested LiNO3:

1 comment:

  1. I thought that this lab was a great way to start our new unit. Although we were working and applying the concepts we learned in the previous day's lecture, it was still really fun and interesting.
